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Exams information & results

Examinations Team

Mrs Carole Whittingham, Data and Examinations Manager (

Mr Oliver Morris, Examinations Officer (

Miss Toni Jackson, Examinations and Data Administrator (


Please find all the information that you might need with regard to Examinations within The Corsham School. If the information below does not answer the questions that you have, please feel free to email Mr Morris or Miss Jackson at the emails above, and they will endeavour to answer your questions.

2024-2025 Provisional Exam details

Please find the table below in which we outline the current provisional timeline for all PPEs, summative assessments and Live exams in this academic year: 

September 2024

No PPEs, summative assessments or Live exams

October 2024

GCSE Fine Art, Textiles and Photography one day PPE

A Level Fine Art, Textiles and Photography one day PPE

November 2024

Live GCSE resits (only students that are in the resit classes)

Y13 PPEs

Y9 Summative assessments for option subjects only

December 2024

Y11 PPEs

January 2025

BTEC resits (only Y13)

February 2025

GCSE MFL mock speaking assessments

GCSE Food practical assessments

March 2025

Yr 12 Fine Art and Textiles one day PPE

April 2025

Y12 Photography one day PPE

GCSE Fine Art, Textiles and Photography two-day Live assessment

A Level Fine Art, Textiles and Photography three-day Live assessment

GCSE MFL speaking assessments

Y12 PPEs

Y9 Summative assessments for core subjects only

May 2025

Live GCSE exams

Live A Level exams

June 2025

Live GCSE exams continued

Live A Level exams continued

Y8 Summative assessments – all subjects

Y10 Summative assessments – all subjects

Y7 Summative assessments – all subjects

July 2025

No PPEs, summative assessments or Live exams

All Y11, Y12 and Y13 students will be emailed individual timetables nearer the PPEs and Live exams.

Please be mindful that all exam students will need to be available for exams up to and including Wednesday 25 June as dictated by the JCQ.

This is a provisional timetable and is subject to change.

Summer 2024 Results

All summer 2024 results have now been issued.


Results Days Letters from Mrs Bartlett


Please see the following letters from Mrs Bartlett, Deputy Headteacher, which provide further information regarding the results days in the summer.  These letters were originally emailed to all students and parents/carers on Wednesday 17 July 2024:


Letter from Mrs Bartlett - Y11 and Y13 - Summer 2024

Letter from Mrs Bartlett - Y12 - Summer 2024


Further Results and UCAS Information for Year 13 Students from Mr Kingscote

Please see the following letter from Mr Kingscote, the Head of the Sixth-Form, which provides further information about the A-Level results day and UCAS processes. This letter was originally emailed to all students and parents/carers on Tuesday 16 July 2024:


Letter from Mr Kingscote - Summer 2024


Careers Information for Year 11 and Year 13 Students from Ms Jeffries


Year 13 students

Ms Jefferies and the Corsham6th team will be on hand to support student needs. Clearing has opened for students considering university, so this is an option to consider if you missed the previous deadlines to apply or haven’t been offered any potential places.

If you’re still unsure about your options and would like to discuss this before results day, please contact Ms Jefferies as soon as possible.


Year 11 students

Please ensure you have applied to your next step. If you’re planning to go to college or are considering this as an option but have yet to apply, you need to do so as soon as possible as online applications will be closing imminently and will not be open on results day. If you have not applied and decided on results day that you need to make a college application, you will be directed to go in-person to the college immediately to complete an application. This process can take several hours, whereas an online application takes approximately 15 minutes. Please apply in advance to prevent waiting at the college to complete an application.

A reminder that our sixth form entry requirements are a minimum of five Grade 5s, with some subject entry requirements being higher.

If you’re still unsure about your options and would like to discuss this before results day, please contact Ms Jefferies as soon as possible.


Post-Results Services

If you have any questions relating to a result you receive in the summer, then your relevant subject teacher should be the first point-of-contact.  You can also speak to a member of the Exams Office Team who will be able to assist you with advice on the potential next steps here.  If, after the relevant discussions have taken place, you require a Post-Results Services Form in order to formally apply for a post-results service, this can be collected from the Exams Office. 


Further information about the Post-Results Services available for this summer, including the deadlines for each service, can be found in the following JCQ Guide and Infographic:


Post-Results Book for Summer 2024

JCQ Post-Results Infographic


Please find a letter from Ofqal and UCAS which has been put up on the government website as of Tuesday 16 July 2024 concerning results in Summer 2024:


Letter to students from Ofqual and UCAS - GOV.UK (

JCQ Guidance, Regulations and Requirements for the 2024 – 2025 Academic Year – Exams and Non-Exam Assessment

Ahead of any PPE’s and formal examinations that students sit in the 2024 – 25 academic year, as well as any non-exam assessement (NEA) work or coursework for formal submission that students complete this year, the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) have produced the following documents to outline to student and parents/carers the rules and regulations of sitting exams and completing NEA work and to answer any questions they may have in relation to this:



Information for Candidates - Written Examinations

On your Exam Day

Unauthorised Items Poster

Warning to Candidates Poster

Using Calculators in Exams


Non-Exam Assessments/Coursework:

Information for Candidates - Non-Exam Assessments

Information for Candidates - Coursework Assessments

AI and Assessments


Other information:

Using Social Media and Exams or Assessments


Please email our Examinations Officer, Mr Morris (, if you have any questions relating to any of the above information or if anything in it is at all unclear.

Exam Results 2023

All A-Level and GCSE Results have now been issued for all exams from Summer 2023.


Information on Summer 2023 exam performance at GCSE and A-Level at The Corsham School can be found in the link below:

Performance - The Corsham School

Certificate Information Summer 2024

Summer 2024 Certificates

These will be sent to the school, from the exam boards, in late 2024.  As such, they will be issued to students in early 2025. 

Y11 and Y13 leavers 2022/2023

Certificates have now all been posted by Second Class ‘Signed For’ delivery, to the student’s home address. All certificates posted by ‘Signed For’ delivery will have to be signed for at the point of delivery. If they are unable to deliver the certificates, they will be returned to the school in due course.

Examination Certificates Prior to Summer 2024

Please email Mr Morris or Miss Jackson, who will check if the school still has copies of your exam certificates and advise accordingly.  If the school does still have copies of your certificates, then the three options for collection will be the same as those listed above.

Lost Certificates

Each Exam Board has a different system for dealing with lost certificates. You should not assume that you will be able to buy replacements, so please keep them safe!  Any applications for replacements must be made by the candidate and cannot be made by the school on the candidate’s behalf.

It is becoming increasingly important that you keep your original certificates safe to show future further education establishments or future employers.  We can provide you with a letter (on headed paper) confirming your grades and signed by a member of the Examinations Team.  This may satisfy an employer who has asked for confirmation of your results.