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Welcome from the Director of The Corsham Sixth

The strongest new leaves grow from the most supportive branches.

Thank you for your interest in our Sixth form. It is my belief that our post 16 curriculum creates driven and resilient students and, with a clear focus on A-Level delivery, enables us to produce teachable, independent minded students with the academic ability to solve problems. 

At the Corsham Sixth form we continue to develop an autonomous, academic approach to study. In our community, students are given as much support as they need, but are also expected to work independently in their private study periods; as with university courses around the country, we ask that students trade "an hour for an hour", meaning that for every taught hour of class content, students work for an hour independently too. Even when lessons aren't timetabled, this ensures students are not only on top of their work, but are also restlessly seeking new knowledge and ways to learn.

The rewards of the hard work that students undergo at Corsham certainly pay off. Our range of subjects and pathways are designed to help shape the futures of our young people and empower them to reach their next destinations, whether at University, in gainful employment, or via higher level Apprenticeships. In 2024, 20.3% of grades attained were A-A* overall at A-level, while 44.7% of all grades were between A*-B grades. 89% of our Year 13s were able to accept offers from their first choice universities. Our students this year accepted places at leading institutions like Cambridge University to study Philosophy, Cambridge to study Architecture and Chemistry at Imperial College. Corsham students went on to choose to study thirty-one different degrees subjects with Geography, Law and Media proving among the most popular subject choices.

In order to meet the demands of a sixth form like ours, we do of course ask that students meet our entrance requirements. To be offered a place at the Corsham Sixth form, students therefore need to attain five Grade 5s at GCSE. There are subjects that require higher grades still, so please do familiarise yourself with the full details for each A-Level before making your own subject choices, available towards the back of the prospectus, listed on our Summary page, and elsewhere on our website too.

Alongside our strong level of academic teaching, we also offer outstanding pastoral care. With a structured network of supporting figures throughout the sixth form- from specialist form tutors to careers advisors- we offer chances for young people to develop their own independent pathways, with opportunities for them to mentor younger students, to become student directors and ambassadors, and to take part in our Social Action Plan by raising money for the local community. Students here also participate in either the EPQ or Core Maths qualification- so, whether in the classroom or outside of it, Corsham Sixth form ensures we continue to help develop each individual's own interests and ideas. 

Please do take some time to look at our prospectus and website in detail. If you would like any further information about our courses and outcomes, please do feel free to contact us at the details listed here. We very much look forward to meeting you.

With best wishes,

Matt Kingscote

Director of Corsham Sixth form