SENDCo - Mr Justin Derby
Email Learning Support -
We believe that every student deserves the opportunity to develop and progress at school.
We also recognise that a considerable number of students will, from time to time, need extra support and encouragement to make the most of their opportunities at The Corsham School.
The Learning Support Team works with students who have a wide variety of needs, and we aim to offer a high standard of support to those with individual needs.
Students with difficulties include specific learning difficulties (dyslexia), significant learning difficulties, social & communication difficulties, sensory impairment and social, emotional and behavioural difficulties
The provision in place is organised on a continuum that enables students to take their place fully within the school and community.
In order for students to gain their entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum, there is full integration into the school pastoral system and close cooperation with all subject teams.
During the two years before transfer to Secondary School, we work closely with our feeder Primary Schools to ensure that a smooth transition process can occur. We attend meetings to discuss individual needs and meet Year 5 and 6 students to help allay their fears about their move to us. We ensure that information and student files are transferred between us and Primary Schools and that relevant information is shared widely amongst staff within our school. We can provide additional transition visits for students who require a more personalised transition process.
SENDCo | Justin Derby |
Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral) | Chris Smith |
Inclusion Co-ordinator/Learning Support Team Manager | Lydia Smith |
Student Behaviour Support | Lauren Waller |
Parent Support Advisor | Sue Wort |
Teaching Assistant | Amanda Beck |
Teaching Assistant | Paul Watts |
Teaching Assistant | Clare Evans |
Teaching Assistant | Nicola Evans |
Teaching Assistant | Mandy Guy |
Teaching Assistant | Melissa Hogger |
Teaching Assistant | Laura Wheeler |
Teaching Assistant | Simon Williams |
Teaching Assistant | Sarah Lewis |
Teaching Assistant | Deborah Bishop |
Teaching Assistant | Jade Hayward |
Teaching Assistant | Jennie Cracknell |
Teaching Assistant | Jamie Tobin |
Teaching Assistant | Cheryl Devaney |
Teaching Assistant | Liza McCormack |
Teaching Assistant | Lisa Andrews-Heyde |
Teaching Assistant | Samantha Cox |
Teaching Assistant | Poppy Dall'Occo |
The Learning Support Team offers support in a variety of ways, which include:
- In-class support for mainstream classes
- Small literacy intervention classes at KS3 including Literacy Progress Units, support for students with Specific Learning Difficulties
- 1:1 literacy intervention sessions with Teaching Assistants focusing on developing reading, spelling & handwriting skills
- Year 12 & 13 mentoring programmes
- Social skills groups at KS3 & KS4
- Support for KS4 students who take part in the Alternative Curriculum
- Counselling, care & guidance is an integral part of daily routine
- Advice, training and/or assistance with appropriate teaching methods
- Provide suitable resources for use with students at all ability levels
- Provide information on individual students and monitor student’s Individual Education Plans
- Liaise with outside services and agencies e.g. Educational Psychologist, Educational Welfare Officers, Child & Family Therapy Services, Ethnic Minority & Achievement Service
The Learning Support Department has a suite of rooms used for 1:1, small group work and classes.
This includes a classroom that is used for students who have Access Arrangements in examinations.