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Introduction from Paul Fletcher

Team Leader

Email: Mr P Fletcher

No area in education or society changes as rapidly as modern technology.

Knowledge Organisers:

Knowledge Organisers provide the core knowledge from our curriculum that the students are required to know to meet curriculum expectations. They are an excellent resource to use for revision in preparation for assessments or examinations.

The KS4 Subject Specific Knowledge Organisers and the link to the KS3 termly booklet can be found in the "In this section" tab at the top right hand side of this page.

Curriculum Information

The Computing curriculum at The Corsham School is designed to equip our young people with the computer skills they will need for further study and future employment.

In years 7 to 9 the curriculum is split into 3 strands; IT, Computer Science, and Digital Literacy. IT covers Office skills such as spreadsheets, databases, presentations; We learn the skills needed to communicate through IT tools. In Computer Science we learn how to program using Scratch, Microbits, and Python code. We learn the about the logic thinking process and how to use computer code to solve problems. Digital Literacy is about staying safe online and using computer responsibly.

Through these 3 strands, students will have the opportunity to see if they want to take their computing studies further. They can choose to take GCSE Computer Science (OCR) to learn more about how computers work, further programming skills, networks, and algorithms. If they prefer the IT side then they can choose the BTEC Tech award in Digital Information Technology where they will learn more about how businesses use IT including user interfaces and effective presentation of data.

In Corsham 6th form students can take A level Computer Science (OCR) to get a much deeper understanding of the inner workings of computer processors, network protocols, data structures, pathfinding, and more.

Our computing lessons are designed to be fun, challenging and informative. We believe every student needs IT skills to be able to access opportunities in the modern world. We are proud to teach them skills for their future.