Vision & Ethos
The Corsham School vision is...
To provide educational excellence at the heart of a vibrant community which equips all students to thrive in a highly competitive world.
The school seeks to...
- promote the highest standards of teaching and learning – and see them reflected in academic achievement
- use the evaluation and sharing of good practice to impact on teaching and learning
- commit to a balanced, enriched curriculum
- invest in, use and apply the best technologies
- provide a safe and calm environment in which all young people can learn and grow, developing values which strengthen a positive community
- encourage our students to be considerate, courteous and to show pride in their school
- stimulate the involvement and commitment of all parents and carers
- commit to the support and Continuing Professional Development of every member of staff
- provide high-quality facilities within a clean and well-managed environment.
The school embodies the positive values of...
- Citizenship, Teamship & Audienceship
- Integrity
- Reason, imagination & creativity
- Respect for self, family, and others
- Responsibility towards the environment
- Hard work and perseverance