Admissions Consultation
Consultation on the reduction of The Corsham School Pupil Admission Number (PAN)
The consultation period ran from 18th November until 30th December, and is now closed for responses. This has been shared with the Local Authority.
Contextual background information
- The current school PAN is 260 students. Current fluctuations in numbers between 8 and 9 form entry makes long-term curriculum planning problematic, as students join us mid-year and take classes over capacity. This in turn creates an issue with resourcing.
- No pupil that already has a place or has been offered a place will be affected by the change.
- Our admissions policy remains the same in all other aspects, apart from the proposed PAN
- Reducing the PAN to 240 will assist the Governing Body with efficient and effective long-term curriculum led financial planning of the school.
Specific detail
- The school is proposing to reduce the PAN of secondary age pupils from 260 to 240 with effect from September 2026. This will result in the PAN for all subsequent cohorts being 240.
- The Corsham School will review the PAN if local demographic changes occur.
- Sixth Form – oversubscription applies to external applicants only.
The following will be consulted on the proposal:
- Parents/carers of children between the ages of two and eighteen
- Other persons in the areas who have an interest in the proposed admissions
- All other admission authorities
- The Local Authority, which is Wiltshire, and the neighbouring authority of BANES